The Northern Node | National Climate Center (NCC), CMA

Long-Range Forecasting

Dataset/Product/ Service

Methodology, spatial/temporal resolution, quality indicators, validation etc.

Graphs and maps of model performance in terms of standard skill metrics (LRF)

Methodology: Evaluation of model performance using WMO SVS specifications. A selection of GPC models will be used based on regional skill assessments.

Spatial resolution: 1° x 1°

Temporal resolution: 12 monthly (+1 month lead time) and 10 overlapping 3-month seasons

Quality indicators/Validation: SVS scores

Maps of model long-range predictions (include textual and graphical information)

Methodology: Post processing of monthly (+1 month lead time) and 3-month seasonal forecasts from selected GPC models. Variables include precipitation and surface air temperature. Beyond tercile and standard anomaly forecasts of these variables, products will include probabilistic threshold forecast for different percentiles thresholds of temperature and precipitation variables. Includes brief narrative of the outlook and a review of the outlook of the previous month.

Spatial resolution: 1° x 1°

Temporal resolution: 12 monthly (+1 lead time) and 10 3-month overlapping seasons

Quality indicators/Validation: On-time delivery and review of previous month’s outlook

Quarterly bulletins which include: (1) analyzing and interpreting GPCs model predictions, (2) qualitative review of recent outlooks/bulletins

Methodology: Qualitative compilation of temperature and precipitation seasonal forecasts from the GPC model predictions including review of the forecast in the previous bulletin.

Spatial resolution: Third Pole region

Temporal resolution: Every 3 months of standard seasons (DJF, MAM, JJA and SON)

Quality indicators/Validation: On-time delivery and review of previous season’s outlook

Maps of model subseasonal predictions (with brief narrative)

Methodology: Post processing of 10-day (+1 month lead time) subseasonal forecasts from selected GPC subseasonal models. Variables include precipitation and surface air temperature. Beyond ensemble range anomaly forecasts of the variables’ weekly means, products will include appropriate outlook for extremes variables of temperature and precipitation. Includes brief narrative of the outlook and a review of the outlook of the previous forecasts.

Spatial resolution: 1° x 1°

Temporal resolution: 10-day (+1 month lead time)

Quality indicators/Validation: On-time delivery and review of previous month’s outlook

Consensus statements: Winter (DJF) and Summer (JJA) RCOF bulletins for the Third Pole region

Methodology: Regional consensus on probabilistic temperature and rainfall forecasts from participants of the twice-yearly Climate Outlook Forum (TPCOF)

Spatial resolution: Third Pole region

Temporal resolution: Twice a year ahead of the DJF and JJA seasons

Quality indicators/Validation: On-time delivery

Verification datasets

Methodology: Verification datasets provided and updated (Available on request)

Spatial resolution:1° x1°

Temporal resolution: month

Quality indicators/Validation: dataset availability

Information and guidance on methodologies and products

Methodology: documents available on request on forecasting suite configuration and product computation

Quality indicators/Validation: availability on request

Web Portal/ftp

Methodology: web portal and ftp site with password protected (in preparation)

Temporal resolution: monthly update

Quality indicators/Validation: link availability on request

Climate Monitoring

Dataset/Product/ Service

Methodology, spatial/temporal resolution, quality indicators, validation etc.

Annual Bulletin on the Climate in the Third Pole region

Methodology: compilation of national contributions of TPRCC members. NCC will combine the inputs from all consortium partners and produce the bulletin

Spatial resolution: sub-region/national/local

Temporal resolution: yearly

Quality indicators/Validation: internal review

Monthly Climate Monitoring and Assessment of Temperature and Rainfall for Third Pole region

Methodology: development of gridded precipitation and temperature data for the Third Pole region; Establishment of brief qualitative assessment of conditions over the region. Initially contexts will include (mean, max and min ) temperature and rainfall. At later stage this will be enhanced to include additional cryosphere-related ECVs based on deeply data sharing of consortium partners.

Spatial resolution: Resolution based on available near real-time precipitation and temperature observations over the Third Pole region; It is proposed to produce the gridded precipitation and temperature data of Third Pole at 25 km resolution

Temporal resolution: monthly

Quality indicators/Validation: On-time delivery

Temporal resolution: Updated monthly

Quality indicators/Validation: On-time delivery

Dataset for reference climatologies (Temperature and Rainfall) based observation and gridded data

Methodology: Calculation of monthly and seasonal climatological normals from the data available

Spatial resolution: stations in the domain of Third Pole region; 0.25°×025°(for the maps)

Temporal resolution: monthly (1981-2010 normal period)

Quality indicators/ Validation: Several stages of quality control of the dataset prior to publishing

Climate Watch bulletins for Third Pole region (containing advisories or statements on foreseen climate anomalies)

Methodology: Compilation of all available climate information from the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the region, other regional centers and GPCs, in accordance with the WMO Guidelines on Climate Watches and agreed procedures by the participating NMHSs from Third Pole region

Temporal resolution: monthly or quarterly.

Quality indicators/ Validation: Timely delivery

Reference: Guidelines on Climate Watches, WMO/TD No. 1269, 2005, WMO

Operational Data Services

Dataset/Product/ Service

Methodology, spatial/temporal resolution, quality indicators, validation etc.

Time series graphs and maps of daily data and derived indices for extreme events

Methodology : Time series plots and maps of climate parameters and their derived indices, based on the ETCCDI index

Spatial resolution : Point based observation

Temporal resolution: daily, monthly, seasonal, annual.

Quality indicators/ Validation: Quality control mechanism is available for all parameters. Newly inserted data will be quality controlled before made available to user

Daily gridded data (to be developed; Temperature and Rainfall)

Methodology : Spatial interpolation of in-situ observations

Spatial resolution : 0.25°x 0.25°

Temporal resolution : daily

Quality indicators/ Validation : Validation using cross-validation type of metric

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