First Third Pole Climate Forum
04 June 2024
06 June 2024
Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China
General Documents
Day 1: 4 June 2024 (Tuesday)
Background: the concepts of WMO Regional Climate Centres and Regional Climate Forums and their relevance to the Third Pole:
- The RCC and RCF concept in the context of the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) and their relevance to the Third Pole, Kumar Kolli
- Role of TPRCC-Network and Third Pole Climate Forum concept, content, Lijuan Ma
Overall data requirements and availability at global and regional scale:
- WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS) operational infrastructure its Designated Centres for sub-seasonal to decadal clima- Eunha LIM
- Overall data requirements for the development of TPCF and TPRCC-Network Climate data, products and services, Vijay Kumar SONI
- Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) protocols, observations, datasets, terminology in support of the provision of operational climate, Vasily Smolyanitsky
- Climate services and data in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region, Mandira Shrestha
- Development of global climate datasets in CMA, supporting data requirement of TPRCC, YANG Su
- Hydrological data availability, requirements, and importance at national scale (example of Mongolia), Khalzan Purevdagva
- EO data products for the cold region operations, QIU Yubao
- Plateau Data–A New Model of Big Data at the World's Third Polea, LI Xin
- Access and availability of data and automated IBF to support TPRCC Network, Sanjay Sirvastava
Recent scientific advances: techniques of climate and cryosphere monitoring and prediction in High Mountain Asia (HMA) region, incl. extreme events, hazards, and risks:
- Essential Mountain Climate Variables, Maria Shahgedanova
- Monitoring the cryosphere of Kyrgyzstan and forecasting climate change in the Tien Shan, Bolot Moldobekov
- Glacier monitoring and research in the Yulong Snow Mountain, PU Tao, WANG Shijin, NIU Hewen
- The Dynamic Tipping Processes of Sedongpu Glacier Detachment and their Implications for Climate and Remote Sensing Observations, ZHANG Tong, YANG Wei
- Climate monitoring and seasonal summaries what are the products and how support forecasting and consensus statement are developed, Vasily Smolyanitsky
- Seasonal prediction objective approach concept and demonstrated advantages in SASCOF outlook production, O. P. Sreejith
- Introduction of New S2S Prediction Technologies and Methods in BCC-CMA, GUO Li
Day 2: 5 June 2024 (Wednesday)
Global and Regional Perspectives:
- Overview of climate features and key climate drivers at seasonal scale relevant to the Third Pole region, YOU Qinglong
- WMO Updates: El Niño/La Niña & Global Seasonal Climate Update June-July-August 2024, Jose Alvaro Silva, Anahit Hovsepyan
- Monitoring and Seasonal Outlook of Large Scale Circulation Patterns and Implications in TP region, Gaeun Kim
- Global and Regional Perspectives Large Scale Drivers monitoring and Seasonal Forecast (SASCOF outlook), O. P. Sreejith
- Third Pole Outlook for JJAS 2024 from RCC Beijing & FOCRAII, ZHANG Peiqun
- North EurAsiaClimate Center Arctic RCC -network, Vasily Smolyanitsky
- Seasonal Climate Review in the Third Pole region December 2023—April 2024, WANG Pengling, MA Lijuan, LIU Yanju, WANG Dongqian, YANG Mingzhu, Charles Malekela
- Outlook for June to September 2024 (TPRCC-Network), Shahzad Sultan
National Perspectives:
- National Outlook for JJAS 2023_Afghanistan, Soma Popalzai
- Seasonal Climate Outlook in China for JJAS 2024, SUN Leng, LI Xiang, ZHENG Zhihai
- The current climate conditions and a national outlook in Kazakhstan, Tursun Tillakarim
- Brief Information about Climate in Myanmar during February-April 2024 and Seasonal Forecast for June to September 2024, TunLin Kyaw
- Rainfall Temperature Outlook for JJAS_2024 Pakistan, Gohar Ali
Development of Consensus Outlook for JJAS 2024:
Day 3: 6 June 2024 (Thursday)
TPCF1 Consensus Statement and outlook JJAS 2024: national and regional users, and regional partners perspectives:
- UNESCAP experience on the applications and DRR, Sanjay Sirvastava
- An Brief Introduction to the WMO RA II WG-S Activities, ZHOU Qingliang
- Progress of RA II WG-I and potential cooperation between ETs, SHI Lijuan
TPCF1 recommendations and way forward:
Concensus Statement