Organizational Structure

Based on the outcomes of the discussions and the needs, capabilities and interests expressed in the Scope Meeting on TPRCC-Network Implementation, the participants agreed that a suitable RCC-Network with geographical distribution of responsibilities to perform RCC functions, similar to that adopted for the Arctic RCC-Network, will provide a more sustainable operational arrangement. The meeting then considered the interests of Members to contribute/host RCC arrangements, and agreed on a provisional structure of the TPRCC-Network, which was approved by EC-70 in June of 2018 (Decision 47 (EC-70), as below. 


The approved TPRCC-Network consists of three geographical nodes, as shown below, with China as the overall coordinating node. Each node of the TPRCC-Network is composed of the node lead and the consortia Members, hosted by respective institutions, as shown in Annex I to this plan.


Northern node

China (lead)

Bhutan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan (consortia member)


Southern node

India (lead)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal (consortia member)


Western node

Pakistan (lead)

Afghanistan, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan (consortia member)


A task team was hence proposed to be set up for leading the development and implementation of the TPRCC-Network, which was formed consisted of the Focal Points of each of the Node Lead and an overall Coordinator of TPRCC-Network at initial stage represented by China. Furthermore, the Task Team will include representatives from the Network partners. The Team will be responsible for the TPRCC-Network operation and timely provision of services and products. 


Geographically, each node will develop all RCC mandatory functions within its own domain. But during the Implementation Planning Meeting, node leads also agreed on thematic responsibilities for mandatory functions for the entire region of the TPRCC-Network, as below.


Cross-node LRF services:

Pakistan will lead the production of Long-Range Forecasts (LRF). The LRF product(s) will cover the whole domain of the TPRCC-Network, on a large scale, with appropriate projection. Each Node will be responsible to downscale and provide more tailored products for their sub-regions.


Cross-node Climate Monitoring:

China (NCC/CMA) will coordinate the development of all Mandatory Climate Monitoring products covering the whole domain of the TPRCC-Network.


Cross-node provision of operational data services:

India will host operational data services for the TPRCC-Network domain. 


Responsibility for the training function will be shared among the three main TPRCC Nodes, as well as technical partners and contributors. The TPRCC-Network will prepare a single web portal as the interface with end users. China will lead the development and maintenance of the web portal with support from other node leads and partners. The web portal is the only interface of the Network to provide operational products and services to users, through which access to the website of each of the Nodes will be provided. To ensure timely and efficient delivery of climate services, products and data transfer process has been preliminarily established. The development and improvements of the web portal as well as individual websites of Nodes will be responsibility of all nodes and partners.

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